Contact us
China marketing and promotion can be easy when handled in the right team. Form is the best way to approach us and get fastest answer from an expert related to your situation.

China Lifestyle Marketing

China Lifestyle Marketing

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Direct contact

We prefer to be contact through the above form. You can also send email to:
It is possible to give us a call depending on the region. language and time zone you are located:
+86 1376 1476 942 in China, HQ (in English and Chinese)
+358 9 427 22 405 in Finland (in Finnish and English)
+7 495 6686 333 in Russia (in Russian and English)
+66 65 985 8786 in Thailand (in English and Chinese)
In order to give you any sort of advice, our team will need to understand details of situation and to know your brand’s and business background information.
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Welcome to connect with us through messaging apps:
WhatApp: +86 136 6190 9171
Telegram: @chimony_com
Line: @chimony
In order to give you any sort of advice, our team will need to understand details of situation and to know your brand’s and business background information.
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Social media

Please follow us in social media channels:
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For partners

We are open to partnership and continuously expending network of our global partners. We are looking for distribution partner in local countries an media partners. Please contact us by email: partners (a)

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For employment

If you are interested to work within our dynamic organization please send email to hr (a) with a comments on what kind value you would like to create and your resume attached.

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